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Showing 2031 - 2040 of 2270 results

Internship opportunity: educating for sustainable healthcare

Created on
25 Oct 2012
Frances Mortimer
The Centre for Sustainable Healthcare and the Sustainable Healthcare Education Network are looking for a volunteer / intern to provide administrative support for a national consultation exercise on…

Great to see the BRS looking at exercise in CKD

Created on
17 Oct 2012
Frances Mortimer
Picking up on the workshop run by Charlie Tomson at the Green Nephrology Summit last month on opportunities for primary and secondary prevention in kidney care, I was really glad to…

RCN report says NHS could save £5.5m on waste management

Created on
17 Oct 2012
Frances Mortimer
This Health Estates & Facilities Management Association (HEFMA) article "Wasting Away" gives a nice introduction an RCN report on waste management in the NHS. It identifies some pretty enormous…

The Sustainable Literate Graduate - why we need one.

Created on
12 Oct 2012
Admin *
Benny Goodman 2012. “In a world characterised by complexity and uncertainty, our long term survival lies less in our ability to ‘apply the grammar’ (of sustainability literacy) and more in our…

Investigating the potential role of OT in sustainability -- research project

Created on
11 Oct 2012
Julie Dorsey
Hello everyone- I teach in the Dept of OT at Ithaca College, in Ithaca New York, USA. I recently completed my doctoral research looking at the role of occupational therapy in the emerging field of…

Kidney care community calls on commissioners to support sustainable care

Created on
11 Oct 2012
Frances Mortimer
Delegates at the Green Nephrology Summit 2012, on 26th September, have issued acall to policy makersand healthcare commissioners to support them in bringing about the transformation to sustainable…

Kidney care community calls on commissioners to support sustainable care

Created on
11 Oct 2012
Frances Mortimer
Delegates at the Green Nephrology Summit 2012, on 26th September, have issued a call to policy makers and healthcare commissioners to support them in bringing about the transformation to sustainable…

CleanMed Europe Conference

Created on
11 Oct 2012
Rachel Stancliffe
Sharing challenges and solutions, I was one of 350 healthcare delegates from34 countries and 5 continentswho met at CleanMed 2012 in Malmo, Sweden to develop models for sustainable healthcare. "A…

Oxford Academic Health Science Network

Created on
10 Oct 2012
Rachel Stancliffe
The Centre for Sustainable Healthcare has successfully pushed for the inclusion of sustainability as one of the themes for the TheOxford Academic Health Science Network.Oxford University Hospitals NHS…

Coming back to the world, or, How a Canvas bag changed my life

Created on
9 Oct 2012
Ben Whittaker
Those of you that read my previous OT Susnet bloglast November may rightly have been expecting a number of other blogs to follow shortly afterwards. Indeed, I said that they would be. The next month I…