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Showing 2021 - 2030 of 2270 results

Cradle to Gate

Created on
12 Dec 2012
Rachel Stancliffe
Greenhouse Gas Accounting Sector Guidance for Pharmaceutical Products and Medical DevicesA consortium of major global companies has been working with the NHS SDU to agree standards for reporting of…

COP18 and the Doha Declaration of Climate, Health and Wellbeing

Created on
12 Dec 2012
Isobel Braithwaite
The Annual UN Climate Conference, COP18 took place last week in Doha. This year, Jonny Elliott went to represent Healthy Planet at the conference. It was a tiring, exciting and often frustrating…

New NICE Guidance on Walking and Cycling

Created on
11 Dec 2012
Ingeborg Steinbach
The government's health advisory body, NICE, has published new guidance which promotes active travel as a way of tackling our nation's health problems, such as obesity, in relation to inactivity.…

End of life care

Created on
21 Nov 2012
Frances Mortimer
A large proportion of healthcare resources go into providing care for people in their last few months of life, but it is not always apparent that the interventions they receive are what they really…

Can Sustainable Hospitals Help Healthcare Cost?

Created on
15 Nov 2012
Sally Aston
According to a new US based report 'Can Sustainable Hospitals Help Bend the Healthcare Cost Curve' sponsored by the Healthier Hospitals Initiative (HHI) and Health Care Without Harm, the…

Sustainable Health and Social Care Research Summit

Created on
14 Nov 2012
Rachel Stancliffe
This event built on a scoping review of research needs conducted by The King's Fund and funded by the National Institute for Health Research and SCIE. Senior people with backgrounds in funding,…

Cutting CO2 in kidney care: 102 heat exchangers fitted!

Created on
13 Nov 2012
Ingeborg Steinbach
In October 2011 The Centre for Sustainable Healthcare (CSH) secured funding at the Pitch Pledge Party event, a 10:10 initiative in partnership with The Funding Network (TFN) and Guardian, for the…

Atlas of Health and Climate: joint publication by WHO and WMO

Created on
7 Nov 2012
Frances Mortimer
On 29 October 2012 the World Health Organization (WHO) and the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) published jointly an Atlas of health and climate that provides scientific information on the…

New EDTNA/ERCA Green Innovation Award

Created on
7 Nov 2012
Frances Mortimer
The EDTNA/ERCA 42nd International Conference is inviting abstracts on Green Innovations - pioneering work to reduce the environmental burden of dialysis (closing date 15th February 2013). The…

SHE Network update & invitation to telemeeting: 15 November 2012, 2pm

Created on
31 Oct 2012
Frances Mortimer
Members of this network are invited to join a telemeeting 2-3pm on Thursday 15th November 2012.The meeting will review recent activity including the following:GMC curriculum consultation working…