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Showing 1741 - 1750 of 2270 results

Social Sustainability in Mental Healthcare

Created on
17 Feb 2016
Michael Pearce
In a series of very interesting articles in the most recent issue of BJPsych International, Dr Daniel Maughan and others consider the theme of social sustainability in mental healthcare. The…

Health sector hits first target in combating climate change - SDU report

Created on
28 Jan 2016
Frances Mortimer
The health sector is over the first hurdle in the race to reach carbon reduction targets and help limit the effects of climate change. A report from the Sustainable Development Unit shows the NHS…

AOME conference presentation

Created on
27 Jan 2016
Adi Vyas
Here is a good news story from the UEA team - our abstract has been accepted by the Academy of Medical Educators, and we will be presenting at theAnnual Meeting on 7 April in London. More details on…

Dentists come out in support of sugar tax

Created on
27 Jan 2016
Frances Mortimer
Interesting to see that the Faculty of General Dental Practice (UK) is backing calls for sugary drinks to be taxed - a good example of health professionals as advocates for preventative…

MSc Sustainabilty, Health and Wellbeing at UCLan

Created on
25 Jan 2016
Kate Chatfield
Last year we asked for your thoughts and opinions about our planned MSc course. I am delighted to tell you that the course is now fully approved and is open for applications for September 2016. The…

Women & Cycling Conference 2016 - May 2016

Created on
20 Jan 2016
Admin *
Women & Cycling Conference 2016 –Toward 50:50 by 2020 - More women riding bicycles: the key to less congestion & better health and well-being for…

NUS and Bristol University's SSC in Sustainable Healthcare

Created on
15 Jan 2016
Admin *
In 2013/14 NUS and Bristol University worked together to create a deliver a student-selected component called Sustainable Healthcare to 2nd year medics. This is a case study of what we did, what we…

Occupational Therapy and sustainable development - a Swedish perspective

Created on
13 Jan 2016
Ida Kåhlin
Dear friends! This is our story regarding occupational therapy and sustainable development in Sweden. The Swedish Association of Occupational Therapistsstarted the process in 2009.…

Happy New Year 2016!

Created on
7 Jan 2016
Rachel Stancliffe
The start of a new year is a time for standing back and seeing a broader perspective, and for those of us working in health, this includes thinking about how we can improve the health of our patients…

Mental health outcomes of using waterways

Created on
7 Jan 2016
Rachel Stancliffe
The Centre for Sustainable Healthcare is delighted to announce the start of a new project with the Canal & River Trust, the charity which cares for 2,000 miles of waterway in England and Wales. This…