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Showing 1481 - 1490 of 2270 results

Hospitals Going Green: A Holistic View of the Issue and the Critical Role of the Nurse Leader

Created on
7 May 2018
Admin *
Just found this article while looking for something else on line and thought others should see it too. It's from the States so perhaps not a complete match for the UK nurse settings, but is the first…

Sustainability Symposium Reflections

Created on
4 May 2018
Niamh Mitchell
Hi all, Last Friday (27th April) saw the annual University of Brighton Sustainability Symposium. Having attended the event, I thought it would be beneficial to complete a brief look back at the day…

Sustainability Series- The role of education in sustainable occupational therapy

Created on
4 May 2018
Admin *
The Sustainability Series is The Centre for Sustainable Healthcare's way of showcasing differnet sustainable clinical specialties in the run up to our 10th Birthday! This month Occupational Therapy…

Sustainability Series- The role of education in sustainable occupational therapy

Created on
4 May 2018
Admin *
The Sustainability Series is The Centre for Sustainable Healthcare's way of showcasing differnet sustainable clinical specialties in the run up to our 10th Birthday! This month Occupational Therapy…

MPs call on NHS to reduce use of MDIs to tackle climate change

Created on
2 May 2018
Frances Mortimer
The Environmental Audit Committeehas called on the Government, the NHS and manufacturers to reduce the production and use of metereddose inhalers in order to cutgreenhouse gas emissions. In the…

Occupational Therapy: Improving Lives, Saving Money, Reducing Carbon

Created on
2 May 2018
Ben Whittaker
In March, theGuiding Principles for Sustainability were publishedby the World Federation of Occupational Therapists (WFOT). This document isfreely available to download under 'Publications' at the…

How-to-Guide: Setting up a green space walking group for inpatients in mental health units

Created on
18 Apr 2018
Admin *
CSH is very pleased to announce that we received funding from the Network for Social Change (N4SC) for a project which, over the next year, will develop a How-to-Guide on setting up a green space…

Presenting on Sustainability at the EDSA Conference, Amsterdam

Created on
17 Apr 2018
Sara Harford
Myself and fellow Centre for Sustainable Healthcare (CSH) Sustainability fellow Darshini Ramasubbu and our CSH colleague Brett Duane (Associate Professor in Dental Public Health, Trinity College…

A case for climate activisim: a blog

Created on
15 Apr 2018
Caroline Wellbery
Here's a blog a student andI wrote about engaging medical students that might be of interest: It starts out this way…

Easier access to e-learning module 'An Introduction to Sustainable Dentistry and Measuring Carbon in Healthcare'

Created on
9 Apr 2018
Devika Vadher
E-lfh afree online platform for professionals to obtain CPD, has made access to the e-learning module ''An Introduction to Sustainable Dentistry and Measuring Carbon in Healthcare"easier to…