
Week 1 : Set up a green group

Frances Balmer
Frances Balmer • 11 July 2023

For our first week of "Team Up with GreenED" we're focusing on how to set up a green group in your Emergency Department. This is so vital that it’s action #1 on the GreenED framework. It makes the work more effective and sustainable but most importantly, more fun.

Green group at Royal Free

Comments (7)

Frances Balmer
Frances Balmer

We also think you'll be surprised how much support there is for introducing environmental sustainability in your ED

👍 9/10 in the NHS support the green agenda.
😡NHS staff raised concerns over waste, plastic & air pollution

It just needs someone to start the conversation and get the ball rolling

Frances Balmer
Frances Balmer

When setting up a GreenED green group, the more multidisciplinary the better. You should include clinical & non-clinical staff. Each will each have different perspectives and diverse experiences lead to more ideas on how to solve problems.

The GreenED stakeholder map shows who we think your ED green group should involve and be collaborating with.

You can access this here:

Have we missed anyone off the list who you included in your team?

Frances Balmer
Frances Balmer

Regular green group updates will increase engagement and drive projects forward. You could

💡make a green group noticeboard
💡start a departmental “green news” bulletin
💡set up a social media account

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