
Thrive LDN’s Climate, Environment and Mental Health Forum - invitation

Ben Rossington
Ben Rossington • 31 May 2024

This post is for those based in/around London and interested in public mental health and/or climate & nature action.


Climate, Environment and Mental Health Forum

You are warmly invited to the first meeting of Thrive LDN’s 'Climate, Environment and Mental Health Forum' online (via MS Teams) on Wednesday, 12 June 2024 between 10am – 11am.

Following conversations over the last few months, many stakeholders have articulated to us at Thrive LDN the need for more spaces in which London communities can take part in conversations with a wide range of professionals about tackling the climate-nature crisis; and co-develop plans to embrace the many win-win opportunities for mutually beneficial climate and mental health action.

The Forum will be a pan-London space to connect individuals and communities with multi-sector organisations to enable more effective, co-produced, and joined-up action on climate, nature and mental health.   

Please see attached the draft Terms of Reference for the new Forum, which will be discussed and further developed at the first meeting.  

If you, or someone from your organisation, would like to join us for the first Forum meeting on 12 June, please email with your name, organisation, role, and email address and we will share a diary invite with you.

This is an open invitation; please extend this to colleagues and friends who may be interested.

Any questions or comments, please reply to this post or email, thanks.


Thrive LDN

Thrive LDN is a citywide public mental health partnership to ensure all Londoners have an equal opportunity for good mental health and wellbeing. Thrive LDN provides system leadership on public mental health in London, setting strategic direction with a focus on bringing about equitable change. We use our influence to connect communities and system leaders and facilitate the development of better public mental health infrastructure.

Climate and Mental Health Partnership Programme

Over the past year, Thrive LDN has been building a case within the London health and social care system for coordinated action across the intersections between climate, nature, and mental health. This case was endorsed by the city’s senior health and social care leaders in March 2024.

In response, Thrive LDN is starting a Climate and Mental Health Action Partnership Programme. The programme aims to create a London in which everyone – especially marginalised, excluded, and vulnerable groups – can take meaningful climate action in their communities while also improving their mental health.

As part of our Partnership Programme, we are launching a new ‘Thrive LDN Climate, Environment, and Mental Health Forum’. This idea is supported by a wide range of stakeholders and partners, who will make up some of the initial membership.



Ben Rossington

Project Officer

Research, Insights & Evaluation Team

Thrive LDN

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