
Raising the profile of sustainability

Clare Webster
Clare Webster • 19 May 2023


I have taken the role as clinic lead in my department and plan to add sustainability to every agenda including as a standing item for our clinical effectiveness days.

I thought within this we could provide updates on sustainability projects, highlight educational materials and resources etc.  Does anyone have any other suggestions in particular around inclusion of data?  What are you using to measure sustainability in your departments?

Ideas much appreciated.

Comments (7)

Emily  Parker
Emily Parker

How about trying to reduce the number of liquid suspensions that are prescribed by teaching children to swallow pills?

I'm currently looking into the carbon footprints of packaging and each liquid pack is 3 x that of pills. There is also more wastage with liquids, dosing is less accurate, and they cost more. Happy to talk further on this if you'd like

Emily  Parker
Emily Parker

Hi Clare, results aren't published yet but a publication will be coming soon I hope - will post on this forum when it's out. I'm presenting the research in the RCPCH conference this week in the Climate Change Working Group (Wed 24th). There will be a short abstract published to go with that.

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