
PhD in good practices in sustainable procurement of medicines in the NHS

Minna Eii
Minna Eii • 14 August 2024

Dear all,

I am a practicing pharmacist undertaking a PhD study at the University of Huddersfield, and I would appreciate your help.

My research aims to inform the development of good practice guidelines in the environmentally sustainable procurement of medicines in the NHS.

This phase of the research entails interviews with key stakeholders to identify pharmacy specific barriers, enablers, and drivers for environmentally sustainable procurement of medicines. This will help me to provide guidance on good practice in environmentally sustainable procurement of medicines and help in delivering the NHS’s 2045 goal of achieving Net Zero.

Please see below on how your participation will help the study.

How your participation will help

  • Your expertise will support in building background research which will help in the development of the research.
  • Allow you to be at the forefront of change in the pharmacy sector and facilitate in achieving Net Zero goals in the NHS.

Why you should participate.

  • You will be helping to develop research in sustainability in healthcare, which is a new, novel and under researched area.
  • Building networks with other like-minded individuals in sustainability in Pharmacy.
  • Sharing of information and best practice amongst peers.

If you are interested, please email me on I will send you the participation information sheet and a consent form. You will have 14 days to decide whether you wish to participate. A reminder email will be sent on day 14. On completion of the form, I will organise a meeting at a mutually suitable date and time on your chosen video conferencing platform such as Microsoft® Teams.

Many thanks

Saima Zaman- Postgraduate Researcher, University of Huddersfield

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