
JOIN US on the 29th June - quality improvement, international collaboration and sustainable kidney care

Admin *
Admin * • 25 April 2017

Building on all the fantastic work achieved in Green Nephrology since 2008 and following on from the commitment shown to high quality and low carbon kidney care, the Centre for Sustainable Healthcare (CSH) is leading work to integrate quality improvement with sustainability (the RCP having included sustainability in its definition of quality).

In June this year CSH is gathering together those in the renal community who are working on quality improvement projects to share their experiences and ideas for future projects and to look into the possibilities for international collaboration. 

We will be hosting Dr John Agar from Australia who is particularly interested in the environmental impacts of dialysis. His recent post on the network outlined how The Australian and New Zealand Society of Nephrology are working with the Renal Society of Australasia and Kidney Health Australia to develop research into, and implementation of, eco-dialysis practices and other environmentally sustainable pathways in nephrology at a national level.  

We will be putting together a programme for the day to include some brief presentations and plenty of time for discussion. This meeting will develop ideas on how the innovative and pioneering work that is being done in quality improvement and kidney care can be built on and applied more widely. We are inviting anyone from the renal community who is interested in joining this discussion.

Please do let us know if you would like to join us in Oxford on Thursday 29th June 2017. 

Contact details: 

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