
Directories of orgs that provide green and nature-based activities

Luke Whaley
Luke Whaley • 14 October 2022

Hi All, my name is Luke Whaley. I’m a senior specialist in the social sciences team at Natural England, undertaking reserach into green social prescribing for the Department of Health (DHSC). I'm trying to locate online search engines/directories of organisations that provide green and nature-based activities across the country. So for example, this directory for community gardening: Gardening 4 Health – A Directory of Social and Therapeutic Horticulture in the UK

I am wondering if this is something members of this network might be able to help with? 

Many thanks

Comments (6)

Gabriel Pol
Gabriel Pol

Hi Luke,

I have a database for local green organisations across Brighton & Hove which I put together for this MA Sustainable Design project 'A local model for green social prescribing', completed in collaboration with Sussex Partnershipship NHS Foundation Trust. I had found that all the existing databases were pre-Covid and very out of date. The database is about to be put up on the Sussex Partnership NHS website. If you would like it the easiest way to get it to you is by forwarding my MA project as it is an Appendix.

Gabriel Pol

Luke Whaley
Luke Whaley

Hi Gabriel - thanks so much for your response. I'm actually looking for national directories in order to targer a few specific sites around the country. Unfortungately B&H isn't one of these sites. But thanks again for the offer of sharing your database. 

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