
Climate Action Fellowship

Alex Pearson
Alex Pearson • 22 August 2024

Hi all,

I'm Alex and I'm a pharmacist working in primary care in Nottingham.

I have just started a part time role as a  'Clinical fellow for net zero ICS' in Nottingham.

I have to implement a project aimed at contributing to the net zero agenda.

My potential project ideas so far are:

1. Inhaler disposal awareness campaign.

2. Local inhaler recycling scheme (via Grundon).

3. Nottinghamshire formulary including carbon data to help inform prescribing choices.

I'm aware none of these ideas are novel however I'd be interested in chatting to anyone that may be keen in helping shape this project(s) (I have a long list of other ideas and the project(s) will likely change over the course of the year).

I'm new to this area of work and any help would be much appreciated.

My preferred method of communication is via email as below.

My fellowship day is Wednesday but I'll reply to emails throughout the week.


Many thanks,

Alex Pearson

Comments (1)

Nuala Hampson
Nuala Hampson

HI Alex, have a look at the principles of sustainable healthcare.
They are listed in order of impact so you can think about what projects might be most impactful, as well as which might be most realistic / achievable within the constraints of your fellowship. Also think about what you are most likely to get buy in for.
There are some pharmacy examples on the network here…

Look forward to discussing further when we catch up.

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