
Our Health, Our Planet

Matthew Lee

On World Patient Safety Day 2024, Doctors’ Association UK, supported by Centre for Sustainable Healthcare and multiple other health organisations, is proud to launch the website “Our Health, Our Planet”. Designed for anyone who works in, or uses healthcare services in the UK (i.e. everyone!), this is the ultimate guide to the relationship between climate change and human health, particularly focussing on the health effects to the UK population.

Developed by volunteers, we believe it to be the largest and most comprehensive project of its kind in the UK, possibly globally.

With a pre-recorded opening address from Professor Hugh Montgomery, Dr Matthew Lee (Sustainability Lead for DAUK) and colleagues will explore the website and its features and explain how you can get involved and help us to use the healthcare system to save the world!

Comments (3)

Sarah Andersen
Sarah Andersen

Hiya, This sounds great Matthew. Not sure if I can make it as at work that day. Is the website ready to look at or is it literally coming online that day ? I am going to Costa Rica to make a film about their sustainable healthcare system, because I agree - environment and health are interdependent. Sarah, Brighton

Matthew Lee
Matthew Lee

Hi Sarah,
Thanks for your interest! A beta version of the site is currently available to collaborators and partner organisations, but we are only making it public that day to try and maximise the effectiveness of a "launch". Drop me an email on mrdlee@doctors.org.uk and we can arrange a chat sometime if you're interested and can't make the event 😊

Matthew Lee
Matthew Lee

Hi Sarah,
Thanks for your interest! A beta version of the site is currently available to collaborators and partner organisations, but we are only making it public that day to try and maximise the effectiveness of a "launch". Drop me an email on mrdlee@doctors.org.uk and we can arrange a chat sometime if you're interested and can't make the event 😊

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